Romanian Deadlift

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Intermediate, Advanced


The Romanian Deadlift (or “RDL”) hammers the gluteus and hamstring muscles and improves the strength of a core movement: the hinge. As such, trainees should include the RDL in their workout programs. Here is how to perform the RDL: 1. Take an overhand grip on the barbell slightly wider than shoulder width. 2. Pull the bar off the rack. 3. Assume a shoulder-width stance with your toes pointed slightly outward. 4. Just barely bend at the knee (think “soft” knees) and keep the same level of knee bend through the movement. Do not bend your knees any further. 5. Begin the movement by shifting your hips back, and then start slowly bending over at the waist while keeping your head in a neutral position (looking straight ahead). 6. Your hips drive this movement. They should extend as far back as possible. Your torso merely follows your hips. 7. While you are descending keep the barbell as close as possible to your thighs and shins. Do not ever let the bar drift forward. Doing do will put unneeded strain on your lower back. 8. When your torso is close to a 90-degree angle, reverse the movement by rotating your hips inward as your torso ascends. 9. Immediately before you’re fully erect, begin the next repetition. Avoid resting at the top. This removes the continuous tension off the muscles which is extremely valuable for muscle growth. 10. Perform the desired number of repetitions..

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Precision Training

Precision Training cuts through the nonsense and hype to give you honest and helpful guidance on your fitness journey. Fitness has been an important part of my life for 35 years, and I want to share my wisdom with you.

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Strength & Conditioning

Fitness Level

Intermediate, Advanced



Area of Focus

Legs, Lower Body


No Sport